What is Chivanhu ( Shona Culture )


Our earliest ancestors, who lived eons ago and up until our fathers now, all adhered to the Chivanhu culture.

b.CHIVANHU are the laws established by our forefathers when they first walked the earth. It is in line with us off-springs with totems to follow the laws and be people of dignity and wisdom.

c. CHIVANHU is the way of life that those who went to Nyikadzimu (world of ancestors / afterlife) our ancestors told us to do with our black race so that we don't act like chickens with their heads cut off and left behind. 

Today's suffering is yet another sign that we have abandoned our culture/identity, as it is said that a person without identity is easy to manipulate and control.


This word derives from the word vadzimuri, which means "those who extinguish anything that comes as fire to fight or harm you."

Mudzimu are people who once lived on Earth and then died, and they were honored with a ceremony called Kurova Guva, kudzorwa mumusha, which means being returned to your family. These people traveled to Nyikadzimu (the world of ancestors), where they were welcomed by those who arrived first.

That place can only be visited by people who were good on Earth and did not commit evil deeds. However, if living people fail to perform Kurova Guva for them, they will not be accepted and will simply roam around.

When they arrive in Nyikadzimu, they will select a person (family member) to act as a medium for them.

when they return to earth via a medium of their choosing Their main purpose will be to take care of their family, to fight for them (in the spiritual world), to ensure they are living well, and to heal others who are not members of that family.

stay tuned for part 2...

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